Authentic Chinese Acupuncture

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When deciding to use herbal remedies, you must do so under the guidance of a holistic practitioner. They will be able to evaluate your specific body and develop the best combination of herbal supplements for you. Remember, it is best to keep your Qi strong, so you don’t contract Influenza. Herbal supplements and other TCM modalities will help you to do this.

Contact the dedicated team at Holistic Acupuncture to keep your energy force strong.

1. CayenneHelp to relieve nasal congestionThe active ingredient is capsaicin

2. Echinacea

Fights off infectionsOften used as a tea to reduce symptoms
3. ElderberryBoost Natural ImmunityIt supports your natural defense and can also attack viruses.
4. GarlicBuilds immunity and fights virusIt is warming and invigorating to fight off cold and dampness.
5.GingerIt fights the virus and can help with any nauseaIt warms up the body and helps the body to sweat
6. OreganoFights against the influenza virusOften used in essential oil form

7. Various Mushrooms

Work to kill the virus.Mushrooms like Reishi, Shitake, and Coriolus are adaptogens
8. YarrowFights the virus to rid it from the bodyIt causes the body to sweat to eliminate the virus.

Herbal supplements can provide you with extra support to keep your Qi high. This will give you the first line of defense against the Influenza virus. If you have not been taking good care of yourself, your body will likely not be able to defend against the initial onset of the virus. In this case, herbal supplements may help you lessen the symptoms that come along with Influenza. TCM has been shown in clinical studies to be an effective plan for managing Influenza. Here are a few herbs that your TCM provider may recommend.

How can Herbal Supplements help with Influenza?

How does TCM view Influenza?

How do I know which herbs to use?

Which Herbs could help with Influenza?

What causes Influenza?

When discussing Influenza, your body’s natural immunity is the core focus of Traditional Chinese Medicine. If your energy or Qi is strong, you will be less likely to contract the flu. If the virus does pass your first line of defense, a strong immunity will quickly fight it off. This will shorten the duration and lessen the symptoms. You can strengthen your Qi by caring for your body through good eating and exercise habits. Getting quality sleep and finding methods to reduce stress also help improve your Qi.When your Qi becomes depleted, your body is more susceptible to catching the Influenza virus. It could also lead to a more severe case. External environmental forces also create a way for Influenza to enter your body. These include cold, damp, heat, summer heat, dryness, and wind. When treating a disease using Traditional Chinese Medicine, these elements are considered by your practitioner when developing a treatment plan. A study was conducted on the impact of TCM on Influenza, and it was shown to be an effective treatment method.

Chinese herbal medicine for Influenza

A virus causes influenza. What exactly is a virus? The answer to this could go way down a rabbit hole of scientific facts, but here is the general explanation. A virus is a microscopic microbial agent (that means we cannot see it.) This tiny little thing has no way of creating a copy of itself, so it attaches to the cells of animals, plants, and people. When it does this, it takes the portions of its cells that it needs to begin replicating. It can now survive because it has a host to support it.

This virus is then spread from one person to another. Since the flu is a respiratory virus, it is spread through droplets containing it. If someone is sick or contagious and sneezes or coughs, their infected secretions could fly through the air and into your nasal passage. You can also contract the virus by touching something someone sick just did or shaking hands with them after touching their mouth or nose. Once they are inside, the virus begins to go to work spreading throughout your body. Within a few days, you will start to experience symptoms of Influenza.

Every year millions of people are impacted by the Influenza Virus, or “The Flu.” For some, this is only a minor inconvenience with mild symptoms. Like other viruses, strong and healthy people are less likely to have severe symptoms. They may have minor body aches, nasal congestion, or a slight cough.

Others, however, could become hospitalized or even die from symptoms related to Influenza. Young children, the elderly, and people with diseases like Diabetes, Cancer, and heart disease often have the worst symptoms. They could have terrible respiratory issues making breathing difficult, and high fevers could lead to dehydration.

Treating a virus is not always a simple feat, as there is no prescription medication available to kill the virus. This means the virus will run through our bodies, and our natural immunity must fight it. During this battle, our bodies may become tired, weak, and have an overall crummy feeling.